

Ladies who brunch

Ladies who brunch

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. Seriously, I wake up hungry and when I'm traveling I get terribly bummed when the hotel breakfast is disappointing. In London there's no better way to start the weekend than meeting friends for brunch. A lot of the time that...

Hello, My Name is Paul Smith

Hello, My Name is Paul Smith

As with many other fashion designers, I could say that I knew of Paul Smith, but I didn't know much about him. So an exhibition with the name 'Hello, my name is Paul Smith' sounded like a good introduction into the life and work of this British designer. As much as I...

Christmas shopping rush and rain

Christmas shopping rush and rain

Nothing as unpredictable as the British weather... Although by now I should know that the chance of rain on any day in London is pretty high. So the plan today was to shoot some lovely Christmassy pictures of the city with all its pretty decorations. But I got rain...

Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Palace

My monthly rent in London might make you think that I'm living in a castle... I'm actually not. I'm still waiting for the day that some prince or knight in shining armour will invite me to live in his (or just a nice mansion with people that will cook and clean...

Try Swedish in London

Try Swedish in London

For someone who's never been to Sweden, I sure do write a lot about Swedish food. After my recent discovery of Fabrique, a Swedish bakery that sells the most delicious cinnamon buns, I wanted to know what more the Swedish kitchen had to offer. Lucky for me, my friend...

Shopping London Style

Shopping London Style

I wouldn't go as far as calling myself a shopaholic (don't laugh), but I definitely enjoy a good shopping expedition in this city. When I moved to London, the only shopping streets I knew were Oxford Street and Regent Street. And believe me, even a true shopaholic...

Say Cheese! (and Wine)

Say Cheese! (and Wine)

Coming from the land of 'cheese heads', it shouldn't come as a big surprise that I love (love!) cheese. I could eat it all the time (actually I do). I'm happy to follow any food expert's advise on how to eat more healthy, as long as they don't touch my cheese. This...

Museum weather

Museum weather

I shouldn't have done it.... See what happens when you start talking about nice sunny autumn days? Rain, cold, storm...Everything that's not to like about the British weather. Sorry! So what do you do when looking out of the window makes you want to crawl right back...

Exploring the East End

Exploring the East End

I'm meeting my local guide Tobias from Insider London in the Andaz Hotel at Liverpool Street. Insider London offers different kinds of walking tours in London and they've invited me for their East End Explorer tour. I've been to this area before, but today I'm hoping...

Back in time at King’s Cross

Back in time at King’s Cross

It almost felt like I'd stepped into a Mary Poppins movie. With chimney sweeps and women walking around in Victorian dresses. King's Cross went back in time this weekend to explore its gritty industrial past and to celebrate the transformation of the station and area....

View from the London Eye

View from the London Eye

The little girl next to me asking her mother 'are we going to fall into the water?' didn't help, but the view from the London Eye was quite amazing nonetheless. Apparently it's all about conquering my fear of heights lately, so when I got invited to visit the London...

The View from the Shard

The View from the Shard

See that tall building on the first picture, rising above the rest of London? That's The Shard, London's newest addition to its skyline and currently the tallest building (244m) in Western Europe. I'm not really a big fan of heights. Being from the Netherlands, I'm...

Cronut Craziness

Cronut Craziness

Have you heard about the cronut? This love child of a croissant and a donut is the new foodie hype in London. Officially only the one created by pastry chef Dominique Ansel in New York can use the name 'cronut', where you need to wait in line for two hours...

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