How much do you know about seasoning and flavoring? Even though I love food, and can certainly taste if something isn’t seasoned right, I actually don’t have a clue when it comes to seasoning my own food. I’m one of those people that has a whole collection of spices because they were required for some recipe and then has no idea what to do with them next. So when John Lewis and Cole and Mason invited me to a demonstration with the amazing chef Rachel Green (the real one, not Jennifer Aniston’s alter ego), I knew it would be just the thing for me.
After a brief explanation of the importance of seasoning and the do’s (season at the temperature you’re going to eat it) and don’ts (adding salt to the pasta at the end instead of adding it to the water), it was time to make ourselves useful in the kitchen. First Rachel showed us how to make this very simple – but oh so delicious – pea, feta and mint dip in just a few minutes (I know what I’ll be having tonight). And then she asked us to make our own guacamole, mayonnaise and pesto in a pestle and mortar that Cole and Mason had provided and with all the fresh ingredients and herbs that were beautifully displayed in the kitchen. But wait, no recipe? How good of a chef do you think I am? But then it all comes down to tasting and making it the way you like it best. I was actually quite pleased with the result. Who would have thought?
And then after all this talking about food and working in the kitchen, it was time to enjoy the amazing lunch Rachel had prepared for us. Finishing with mint tea and pepper cake. All super fresh and delicious.
If I hadn’t known before, I now certainly know that seasoning is the key to really good food. I’m still not an expert, but I believe I’m ready to wipe the dust from my spice collection and put them to good use.