Once upon a time, not so long ago, there were these three London girls who were obsessed with a hill. Not just any hill. No, this hill had reached Instagram fame. Seriously, if this hill had its own Instagram account, it could make millions (#ad #spons).
They just had to see this hill for themselves so they could post the evidence of this meet-and-greet on their own Instagram accounts.
But as it happens with every good story, before they could meet their hero, they had to go on a long journey to find him (her?). Because even though the Dutch girl thought that London was already pretty hilly, to find the Instagram worthy hills you need to leave the city and go on a little road trip.
And so they convinced Bradley the Minicooper to take them from London to Shaftesbury, Dorset. But wait! Who’s driving? It must be the American girl with all her experience driving on the left side of the road. Right? Right? No…?
Of course not. Because some bad evil person decided that when two American girls live in the UK for more than a year, they can no longer be trusted behind the wheel. Tourists are fine, expats are not. You want to live and drive in this country? Then you take your driver’s test again. Or no driving to pretty hills for you!
Defeated and desperate, the two Americans girls looked at the Dutch girl with no experience driving on the left side of the road, and realized she was their only option if they ever wanted to see that hill.
Never good at responding to peer pressure. Always willing to help out her friends in need, she agreed to be their driver for the day.
And so they began their long journey through the English countryside – with a slight detour via a shopping centre’s parking garage – to Shaftesbury.
Alive and well (both car and girls) they finally reached their destination. The weather had turned cold and windy, and the sky grey… (Which was actually kind of perfect when you’re taking a trip for an Instagram photo.)
The girls were cold and hungry, but being so close to The Hill they walked straight past the cute and welcoming restaurants, determined to take their first photo of Gold Hill.

And in the end it all had been worth it. For a moment the Dutch girl forgot that she also had to drive back to London… in the dark, with insanely confusing roundabouts.
The girls had finally met their Instagram obsession, and could now enjoy visiting the rest of pretty Shaftesbury. After they posted their photo of Gold Hill on Instagram of course.