19 mei 2013

A Saturday at Broadway Market

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broadway market
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When I was living in Paris, every time someone came to visit me, I basically took them to the same places that I knew and liked. Which is great for them (no need to go through tourist guides), but as a result I had to go see the Mona Lisa over and over again instead of discovering new things. So this time in London, I’m using my Dutch friends and family as an excuse to explore new parts of the city. No guarantees for them, but a lot more interesting for me.

This weekend I had a friend staying with me, and we went to a part of the city I hadn’t been to before: Hackney, or better said London Fields. On Saturdays the local (and trendy) crowd goes to Broadway Market to drink coffee, buy organic food and to shop some original vintage clothing. The food can’t compete with Borough Market, but the people watching factor is definitely better here. Plus it’s less touristy. I loved it so much that I wouldn’t even mind taking the next person that stays with me there. (As long as we’ll then have our lunch at a new hotspot of course.)