A new school year needs a new outfit. A new milestone a new haircut. And in this case I felt that my new adventure needed a new look as well. I didn’t change my hair, but I did change the look of Urban Pixxels.
As you may have noticed I haven’t been posting that much lately and that’s because I have been working on some exciting projects behind the scenes. One of them being the new web design (unbelievable how much work that is!), the other… that I’m taking a four month sabbatical!
I’ve always wanted to travel longer than the usual two or three weeks. Plus I would love to spend more time working on Urban Pixxels and photography. Which isn’t easy when you also have a full-time job. So when the opportunity presented itself I took it. I’m closing down my work computer and email, picking up my camera (and all the other 100 things I ‘really’ need) and will be traveling and blogging full-time for a couple of months.
To be honest, I have no idea what is going to happen. Which is also what makes this so exciting. I’m always complaining about not having enough time for the blog, but who knows what it’s like to dedicate all your time to it? Maybe I’ll love it, maybe I’ll hate it. Maybe it’s something in between. But at least I’ll know. And that’s why I want to do this. I don’t want to look back thinking “what if”.
So what’s the plan?
My sabbatical starts next week on 1st February, but the traveling part starts on 1st March. In the meantime I’m moving out of my London apartment (no rent = more money for travel) and will be staying in the Netherlands planning the final details of my trip. And then the fun part starts!
For those of you who are following me on Instagram, you may remember a post in October about booking a spontaneous trip to Japan. At the time I had no idea this was going to be the beginning of a three month trip, but it is now. Fortunately I can always count on my good friends who love to travel just as much, so one of my best friends is joining me in Japan. So much fun!
So far this is the only part of my trip where I sort of know what I’ll be doing and when. Planning a two week trip is easy and fun. When you turn it into a three month trip covering several countries you’ve never been to, it’s still fun, but overwhelming at the same time.
The next stop is Indonesia. I’m following some bloggers who’ve been to Indonesia recently and I can’t wait to see it for myself. Since three months is long, but not that long I decided to focus on Java and Bali. And Jess is joining me in Bali. By then I’ve only been away for a month, but I’m already looking forward to our reunion in Bali.
From Indonesia I’m flying to Australia. Unfortunately I won’t have time to see the entire country (I have about three weeks). This time I want to travel around the east coast of Australia: Melbourne, Great Ocean Road, Sydney, the Great Barrier Reef, and everything in between. If you have any tips for that part of the country, please let me know!
New Zealand
After hearing all the great stories from my Kiwi friends in London, I’m finally going to New Zealand. I’m spending about three weeks here and I’m hoping to see both the South and North island. I’m so looking forward to being surrounded by beautiful nature and of course trying those world famous brunches and coffees.
Tahiti / French Polynesia
It’s funny how in my mind, just because everything is on the other side of the world, I keep thinking that everything is very close. Of course it isn’t, and I’ll often be on an airplane for several hours to go from one destination to the next. But it’s still on the other side of the world, so I figured that I better make use of the fact that ‘I’m already there’. And what better way to end a trip like this than on some beautiful tropical island? I’m sure I’ll be the only one not on a honeymoon, but I don’t care. I want palm trees, white beaches, a good book in one hand and a colorful cocktail in the other.
I haven’t planned this part of the trip yet, so if anyone has suggestions for which island I should go to, I’d love to hear it.
Now technically that tropical island is not really the end of my trip. Because on my way back to Europe I want to make one final stop: Singapore. I probably won’t be spending a lot of time here, but I’ve been wanting to visit for so long, so why not now? Plus I don’t want to think about how long it takes to fly back, so this way the long way home is going to be broken into two parts.
And that’s it! Writing this down makes me realize again how much planning I still have to do. But fortunately I have some time in February for that. And part of the fun is also not knowing what’s going to happen so I don’t want to plan everything before I leave. (At least that’s what I keep telling myself so I don’t stress out too much.)
I haven’t been to any of these countries, so if you have any tips (or for you bloggers out there blog posts you wrote), please please please share them with me!