18 February 2015

My 3 favorite Instagrammers

My 3 favorite instagrammers

Today I’m joining the ladies from The B Bar in a link up about our favorite instagrammers. I don’t do link ups that often, but since I consider myself to be a true insta-addict, I thought it would be fun to join this one. My top 3 instagrammers, how hard can that be? Well…turns out that I’m following so many amazing photographers, that it took me a while to narrow it down.

I already shared a top 10 on Instagram a little while ago, and I still consider them as some of my favorites. But since then I’ve discovered so many new ones, that I decided to make a top 3 with people that I didn’t mention in my previous post.

Candids by Jo

My 3 favorite instagrammers - Candids by Jo

Starting with my good friend Joanna (@candidsbyjo) who I met here in London and is now one of my favorite partners in crime to discover new London foodie places. But she’s also an amazing professional photographer. I’m always jealous to see how she’s able to capture the light in her food photos.

Charissa Fay

My 3 favorite instagrammers - Charissa Fay

Charissa Fay (@charissa_fay) is a travel and lifestyle photographer in New York City. Do I need to say more? Not only do I get to dream about being in New York by looking at her photos, she also shares beautiful photos of other places around the world. Including some yummy coffee and food pictures.

Olia Hercules

My 3 favorite instagrammers - Olia Hercules

I met Olia (@oliahercules) in London at the introduction of the Recipe Kit where she was responsible for the recipes. So I know she’s an incredible chef. But these days I’m also in love with her Instagram feed. Whether it’s food or people, every photo has this warm, retro feel to it. Her first cookbook is coming out this year and I can’t wait to see it.


The ultimate gear guide for great travel photos

The ultimate gear guide for great travel photos

When I think about what to bring on a trip, I always start with my camera gear and electronics. Not shoes, not whether I should bring a coat, not what books I want to read... No, it's the geeky stuff that's on top of my list. I'm a firm believer in the saying that...