I’m a visual person. I like pretty pictures. Which is why I’m more of an Instagram or Pinterest kinda gal than that I’m spending my days on Twitter. And there are so many great photographers on Instagram! So I thought I would share my top 10 Instagram photographers. One criteria: they need to take the photos with their mobile, otherwise it doesn’t count right? (Or is that just me?)
First one on the list is Eva Tsang (@thetrottergirl) who I started following only just recently and I can’t get enough of her photos. We clearly share the same interests: coffee, travel and food, which might have something to do with it. Plus most of her photos are taken in New York and London, my two favorite cities.
Zoë Timmers (@zobolondon) is – as her Instagram handle says – based in London, but also takes amazing photos while traveling. I always find her photos very original.
I follow a lot of travel bloggers on Instagram and most of them have an Instagram feed that will make you jealous. They’re traveling the world after all. Allan Edward Hinton (@chaiwella) quit his job in London and is now traveling for an entire year, taking beautiful photos along the way.
Photography is all about the light. And if there’s one person that understands how to capture the light, it’s Marte Marie Forsberg (@marte_marie_forsberg). Originally from Norway, she now lives in an old cottage in England which you’ll regularly see in her photos. But I especially love her warm and stylish food photos.
Marieke Verdenius (@verdenius) works as a food & lifestyle editor for Jamie Oliver Magazine in the Netherlands. You can tell that she’s around food all day as her Instagram feed is full of bright and pretty food photos.
Alice Gao (@alice_gao) is a photographer from New York and an Instagram celebrity with almost 800.000 followers. She captures the little details of her life in the city in such a beautiful way.
The same city, but completely different photos. Gabriel Flores (@_gabrielflores) shows the more raw side of the city with darker colors and beautiful portraits. I’m always impressed how he uses the light in his photos.
I wish I could just spend a day looking through the eyes of Thomas Kakareko (@thomas_k). His street photography in Berlin – often in black & white – is incredible.
Another New York photographer. I’m following Chris Ozer (@chrisozer) mostly because of his portraits.
Landscape photography is not really ‘my thing’, but I’m making an exception for the Dutch Claire Droppert (@claironline). Her photos are stunning. The Netherlands never looked this good.
So who do you think takes the most beautiful photos on Instagram? Who did I miss? And are you on Instagram? Let me know in the comments!