Whenever I take photos of people I usually do it without them noticing. Random people on the street are one of my favorite ‘things’ to shoot. But sometimes it’s good to step outside your comfort zone. So a fashion shoot in Shoreditch with my friend Chiara? Comfort zone…Big step…Sure, why not?!
Chiara isn’t a fashion blogger either, so it was a new experience for us both. But it turned out to be so much fun! And in London people really aren’t that surprised to see someone posing on the street. So after the first awkward shots (which I wisely deleted) we kind of got into it and went home with some great photos.
We didn’t want the typical ‘hands on hips’ fashion blogger poses, so decided to use Shoreditch and Spitalfields Market as our decor and try to go for more spontaneous shots.
It turned out to be the perfect location. The streets in Shoreditch look like you’ve just stepped into a movie set with the beautiful old houses, the cobblestones on the street. And that car! And in Spitalfields Market everybody was fine that we were just paying attention to their merchandize for the photo. Except for that one grumpy guard… Clearly not a big fan of bloggers / photographers.
But we found the best photo background ever just outside Spitalfields Market. This installation ‘H_Edge’ by Cecil Balmond was just incredible with the light shining through the steel plates.
This is why you should always carry a hat with you when going to a photo shoot.
I don’t understand how all these fashion bloggers stay so skinny, because after a while all I could think of was… lunch! Nothing better than combining photography with food (and eating it). Both trying to be very professional, we did take some final photos at Ozone, but then you can’t let your food get cold, now can you?
You can see more of the photos that we took on Chiara’s blog Ma Che Davvero in the posts with outfit number one and outfit number two.