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Inside London’s Hidden Sights: Clapham South Shelter

Inside London’s Hidden Sights: Clapham South Shelter

I often have to remind myself to look up when I'm exploring a city. But sometimes a city's best kept secrets are hidden underground. For two years I was living right above an important part of London history: the deep-level shelters at Clapham South. Built during...

Inside London’s Hidden Sights: Clapham South Shelter

I often have to remind myself to look up when I'm exploring a city. But sometimes a city's best kept secrets are hidden underground. For two years I was living right above an important part of London history: the deep-level shelters at Clapham South. Built during the Second World War to protect the people from the German bombings. What I didn't know was that a small group of people gets the chance to visit them today. The London Transport Museum organizes the Hidden London tours a couple of times a year. They sell out quickly so when I read about this year's tours months ago I signed up immediately. When the day finally arrives I'm super excited....

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The East End

The East End

When I moved to London, I was so looking forward to discovering all the different areas of the city. Unfortunately, as it has been so cold and rainy, I haven't seen much yet. Well, it's still cold, but the sun has finally come out (for a few hours at least). So today...

Ontdek verschillende soorten reizen

Wat voor type reiziger ben jij? Of je nu liever één nieuwe stad per keer verkent, of zoveel mogelijk van een land wilt zien, hier vind je handige tips en inspirerende routes om je op weg te helpen.