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First Time Visiting Chicago with My New Mirrorless Nikon Z6 (+ video)

Only a few days before my trip to Chicago I traded in my beloved Nikon D750 for the new Nikon Z6 full-frame mirrorless camera. There was nothing wrong with my D750 which I've used for the past four and half years. For quite some time I wasn't even sure if I wanted to make the switch to mirrorless. Switching to mirrorless There are two reasons that made me choose the Nikon Z6: the weight and its video capabilities. I'm not an expert when it comes to film making (far from it), but I do enjoy making travel videos. And since the Nikon D750 doesn't have a good autofocus for video, I was always switching between two cameras. My Nikon for photos and then my compact...

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The ultimate gear guide for great travel photos

The ultimate gear guide for great travel photos

When I think about whatĀ to bring on a trip, I always start with my camera gear and electronics. Not shoes, not whether I should bring a coat, not what books I want to read... No, it's the geeky stuff that's on top of my list. I'm a firm believer in the saying that...

My new stylish camera bag: Aide de Camp (+ video)

My new stylish camera bag: Aide de Camp (+ video)

My camera and I are inseparable most of the time. And I want to make sure that it's protected when I carry it around. But that doesn't mean I enjoy having to choose a camera bag over a beautiful stylish handbag. Can't I have both? Last year I already shared that...

I’m having an artistic identity crisis

I’m having an artistic identity crisis

There's a difference between my photos B.B. (before blog) and A.B. (after blog). A typical Jacintha photo before I started blogging was black & white, lots of contrast, and definitely more 'raw' than pretty. I started doing a bit of urban exploring before I...

How to resize your blog photos and keep them super sharp

How to resize your blog photos and keep them super sharp

Resizing photos for your blog is probably something that every blogger struggles with. I know I do! Everybody is so obsessed with megapixels when they buy a new camera. We want more, more, more! Resulting in beautiful photos...and huge file sizes. All those pixels are...

5 steps & 5 apps for better Instagram photos

5 steps & 5 apps for better Instagram photos

Two weeks ago the coolest thing ever happened. Harper's Bazaar featured meĀ on their website asĀ one of the '17 travel accounts to follow on Instagram'. I love Instagram - it's turning into a serious addiction - but at the time I only had around 1500 followers. Don't...

My 3 favorite Instagrammers

My 3 favorite Instagrammers

Today I'm joining the ladies from The B Bar in a link up about our favorite instagrammers. I don't do link ups that often, but since I consider myself to be a true insta-addict, I thought it would be fun to join this one. My top 3 instagrammers, how hard can that be?...

What’s in my camera bag?

What’s in my camera bag?

The question I get asked most often is what camera I'm using to take the photos for my blog. The answer to this question is of course pretty straightforward, so I could have limited this blog post to two or three sentences. But instead I thought I would give...

Shooting Friends and Fashion in Shoreditch

Shooting Friends and Fashion in Shoreditch

Whenever I take photos of people I usually do it without them noticing. Random people on the street are one of my favorite 'things' to shoot. But sometimes it's good to step outside your comfort zone. So a fashion shoot in Shoreditch with my friend Chiara? Comfort...

My 10 favorite photographers on Instagram

My 10 favorite photographers on Instagram

I'm a visual person. I like prettyĀ pictures. Which is why I'm more of an Instagram or Pinterest kindaĀ galĀ than that I'm spending my days on Twitter. And there are so many great photographers on Instagram! So I thought I would share my top 10 Instagram photographers....

Blogshop at home: Photoshop for Bloggers

Blogshop at home: Photoshop for Bloggers

See what I just did there, in the picture above? A week ago that would have taken me ages. And it probably wouldn't have looked like this. I find it hard to believe, but it looks like I'm finally 'getting' Photoshop. At least the basics that I need for my blog....

My new camera bag: ONA Bowery

My new camera bag: ONA Bowery

Finding the perfect camera bag is not easy. Especially for women. You don't wear the same shoes with every outfit. And the same goes for camera bags: different occasions ask for different camera bags. My life in camera bags: Crumpler camera backpack: I had just...

RadLab: My secret photo editing weapon

RadLab: My secret photo editing weapon

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. Just between us, okay? The way my photos look on this blog... is not the same as how they look right after takingĀ them.Ā Yeah, I know...I'll give you a second to process. When you start to become more serious about your...


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