31 mei 2013

Pin it Forward UK


Even though I’ve been blogging for only a few months now, I’ve already met so many great people thanks to this blog. If you think bloggers are these nerdy people who can only communicate via their computer… You’re wrong. Bloggers are cool! Well, and a bit nerdy from time to time, but that’s only because we like our gadgets.

On my first weekend in London I attended the Meet the Blogger conference. By then I was only thinking about maybe starting a blog. But after meeting all these amazing international lifestyle and design bloggers I was convinced: I wanted to be a blogger too. So I started Urban Pixxels. But what did I know about blogging? Not much! I wanted to meet other bloggers again, to share tips, tricks and experiences. Luckily I found a meet-up group (great way to meet new people in London) for Ladies in Blogging. We get together monthly in London, drink wine…and talk basically. And we listen to experienced bloggers sharing their experiences. It’s fun! And again, I’ve met some great London-based bloggers here as well.

Apparently blogging is big in London. So when Pinterest launched Pinterest UK last month they hosted a launch party just for bloggers to kick off their Pin it Forward UK campaign. And I was invited.

As with blogging, I’m also relatively new to Pinterest. But I love it. Every day you come across so many interesting and beautiful images, and Pinterest helps you to collect and organize them. I follow people who I think have great taste in topics I’m interested in. But mostly I use it just to collect ideas. For example when I was planning my trip to Namibia last year, I created a board with pictures made by other photographers to get an idea of what I could expect. I now do the same when I come across a beautiful photo that has been taken in London, just for inspiration.

These days I’m most active on my Wish List London board. There are so many cool things to do in this city that it’s hard to keep track. Forget the tourist guides, they’re outdated before you know it. So every time I read a story or review online about this new place that is apparently a must-visit, I pin it on this board. And when I’m looking for a new restaurant to try out or a museum I haven’t been to, I check this board for ideas. Don’t you love it when you appear to be so organized?

If you’re interested in learning more about how other bloggers are using Pinterest, make sure to follow #PinItForwardUK on Twitter or check out all the bloggers that are participating on the Pinterest Blog. Tomorrow, Rosie of A Rosie Outlook will be the next blogger to Pin it Forward. She has a great blog, but you should also definitely have a look at her Pinterest boards. Enjoy!