With a group of friends from so many different countries, each with their own traditions, you get to celebrate a lot of new holidays. Two weeks ago I was celebrating the Swedish Midsummer, and this weekend I joined my American friends Jess and Jo for 4th of July. Apparently we did everything wrong: there was no barbecue, no fireworks (if only we hadn’t forgotten the matches there would have been sparklers), but we had a lot of fun nonetheless.
First thing on the agenda: brunch. We joined the ‘We love to brunch‘ Instagram ladies at the Clifton Nurseries in Maida Vale. And we couldn’t have picked a better location with this beautiful weather. Clifton Nurseries is all about selling flowers and plants, but in the middle of that green oasis there is a little café – The Quince Tree Cafe – where we could sit outside and enjoy the sun. (Although I quickly opted for the shade. My Northern European skin doesn’t handle sun all too well.)
Since I have to travel to the other side of the city, I don’t know Maida Vale that well. But Jess on the other hand is quite the expert and took us on a little walking tour, along the canal and all these pretty mews houses. I seriously want to live in a mews house, but I might need to win the lottery first to be able to afford one. (Would only need something between £1-3 million.)
I hadn’t seen this year’s temporary Serpentine Pavilion yet, so after a nice refreshing drink at the super modern Magazine Restaurant in Hyde Park, Jo had to leave and Jess and I went to see this incredible installation by Spanish architects selgascano. Inside it creates this stained glass effect, very interesting. The Pavilion is open daily until 18th October.
Okay, we weren’t able to get a barbecue, so we decided to do a little picnic in Holland Park instead. Including an American flag bunting that we wrapped around a tree (our own Independence Tree). Celebrating 4th of July in Holland Park…And that’s how the Americans and the Dutch create their own new expat traditions in London. Or at least enjoy the summer in the city.