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Where to Eat in Chicago: 10 Great Places You Don’t Want to Miss

Where to Eat in Chicago: 10 Great Places You Don’t Want to Miss

Why do I keep forgetting how long it takes to change the design of your website?! Anyway, that's what I've been working on these past weeks. And the reason why it's been a while since I shared my last post here. But I'm mostly done now (it's never really done, now is...

Where to Eat in Chicago: 10 Great Places You Don’t Want to Miss

Why do I keep forgetting how long it takes to change the design of your website?! Anyway, that's what I've been working on these past weeks. And the reason why it's been a while since I shared my last post here. But I'm mostly done now (it's never really done, now is it?), so let's continue with the next part of my Chicago tips and stories. And I hope you're hungry, because it's all about the most yummy, best places to eat in Chicago. Well, and one amazing concept store you definitely don't want to miss. What I love about the food scene in Chicago is that it's just as creative and exciting as other major cities around the world, but they seem to be more...

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