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How to Spend 3 Days in Cape Town, South Africa

How to Spend 3 Days in Cape Town, South Africa

There are many places in the world I'd like to go back to some day. But with Cape Town, it wasn't a matter of wanting, but knowing that this was going to be a first of many visits. This is my kind of city, I love it! And because I'm totally convinced that there will...

How to Spend 3 Days in Cape Town, South Africa

There are many places in the world I'd like to go back to some day. But with Cape Town, it wasn't a matter of wanting, but knowing that this was going to be a first of many visits. This is my kind of city, I love it! And because I'm totally convinced that there will be other moments where I'll get to know this city better, I don't feel that pressure of having to do it all right now. So unlike my usual habit of running around, I'm feeling pretty relaxed in Cape Town. We're simply spending three days enjoying Cape Town, and saving the rest for our next visit. Breakfast at the Neighbourgoods Market, The Old Biscuit Mill Our first full day in Cape Town happens to...

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