16 April 2015

Michelberger Hotel & the Bloggers Band

Boutique Hotel in Berlin: Michelberger Hotel - Honolulu loung areaEver since I started sharing my travels on this blog, I’ve become more selective about the places I want to stay at. If the hotel doesn’t inspire me to take nice photos, then I’d rather spend my money on something else. By now I kind of know where to find great hotels that won’t break the bank. (Although admittedly I’m no budget traveler either). So finding a room for one or two people, that I can do. But what about a room for four people in Berlin?

Boutique Hotel in Berlin: Michelberger Hotel - Colorful mailboxes in the courtyard

I attended blogger conference The Hive for the first time last year in Copenhagen and I absolutely loved it. And when I really like something I can be quite… How shall I put it? Convincing? So this year London bloggers were well represented at the event in Berlin. And I had to look for a hotel room that would fit four bloggers.

Boutique Hotel in Berlin: Michelberger Hotel - Restaurant

And I found it. A hotel that ticked all the boxes: central, affordable, original, photogenic, free wifi…and with spacious rooms for four people. No, no bunk beds. Four actual beds. Introducing…the band room at the Michelberger Hotel in Berlin.

Now I don’t think that any of us have ever been in a band. But as soon as I suggested staying in the band room, we were sold. Probably because being in a band sounds so much cooler than going to a blogger conference (which I can tell you, is actually pretty cool as well).

Anyway, back to the hotel. For someone who goes on and on about the importance of taking photos, it’s interesting that I completely forgot to take photos of the room. Blame it on the lack of sleep. But you can see the room on the website.

What’s interesting is that the Michelberger Hotel is part of a graphic design studio located in the same building. Which explains why everything looks so amazing.

Michelberger Hotel Berlin Bar

We didn’t have breakfast at the hotel, but you don’t want to take this blogger band anywhere without giving them some coffee first. Fortunately, the hotel bar serves an excellent picture-perfect flat white. Which of course had to be instagrammed before drinking it. Although I did learn first hand what happens when you serve coffee to a Kiwi and then take it away from her. Lesson learned!

Boutique Hotel in Berlin: Michelberger Hotel - Cocktails

My favorite area of the hotel was the Honolulu lounge. Comfy sofas, the right kind of music and enough reading material. Including the lamps! A relaxing area to read a book during the day and have a cocktail in the…well, any time of day. And for those who feel adventurous, the Michelberger even serves their own Michelberger Booze.

I absolutely loved our stay at the Michelberger Hotel and wouldn’t hesitate to go back next time I’m in Berlin. With or without my Bloggers Band.



Warschauer Strasse 39-40
10243 Berlin

View on Google Maps