30 June 2014

Brunch with a view at Duck & Waffle

The entrance of Duck & Waffle on the 40th floor of the Heron Tower in the city of London

Only foodies will understand that I already knew two months ago where I was having brunch on Sunday. At Duck & Waffle. Even though they’re open 24 hours a day, it’s still fairly difficult to get a reservation. Especially at times when ‘normal’ people eat, let’s say Sunday morning.

Brunch at Duck & Waffle in London. Ox cheek benedict.

So when a good friend (who definitely qualifies as being a foodie) told me she had booked her ticket to visit me in London, I made the reservation straight away. A good preparation is half the work, also – or especially – when it comes to Sunday brunch.

After the terrifying (glass) elevator ride to the 40th floor of the Heron Tower, I could actually enjoy the breathtaking view over the city. With a view like that we were hoping to be seated by the window, and we were! Looking at the city below us is a bit distracting, but of course we were here to eat so let’s have a look at that menu.

I was tempted to go for their signature dish, the ‘duck & waffle’. But a waffle with a crispy leg confit, a fried duck egg and mustard maple syrup sounded a bit much on an empty stomach. I did see the dish being presented at other tables (I’m always looking at what others are having, aren’t you?), and I must admit that it looked very tasty. Maybe next time.

Instead I opted for the ‘ox cheek benedict’, braised ox cheek with 63º organic hen’s eggs, a hollandaise sauce and sriracha (chili sauce). Definitely the right decision!

Brunch at Duck & Waffle on the 40th floor of the Heron Tower in the city of London
Brunch with a view at Duck & Waffle in London
Belgian waffle with poached rhubarb at Duck & Waffle in London.
Belgian waffle with bananas and homemade nutella at Duck & Waffle in London
Breathtaking view from Duck & Waffle, looking at the Gherkin in London.

If I hadn’t waited two months to go here, then this would probably have been enough. But you can’t say you’ve been to Duck & Waffle, without trying the waffle, now can you? So dessert it is! I had the belgian waffle with bananas brûlée, homemade nutella and peanut crunch. And my friend chose the waffle with poached rhubarb, vanilla ice cream and honeycomb.

I was hoping to take home some of their famous dosants (cronuts) that I wrote about before, but unfortunately they don’t do them anymore. Such as shame. But even without the cronut craziness, this brunch experience was worth waiting two months for. I’m just hoping that I don’t need to wait another two months to eat here again.