09 July 2015

Sleeping in Corrèze: Tree House or Boutique Hotel?

Where to stay in Corrèze (France). What about a beautiful tree house overlooking the Dordogne river.

We arrive in Saint Martial Entraygues in the afternoon and I’m instantly smitten. I’ll be sleeping here? In my own tree house?! Not just any tree house, but one in the middle of a forest with an incredible view over the Dordogne river. And with a comfortable bed, separate bathroom, hot water and a gas heater for warmth. My tree house is actually built for families with a separate cabin for the kids (including a slide!), but tonight I’ll have it all to myself. Which sounded like a good idea at the time…

If only I wasn’t such a chicken. After they drop us off after dinner, I need to walk for another 5-10 minutes by myself in a pitch dark forest with only a flashlight. (Maybe needless to say: I don’t like scary movies.) Even after I arrive safe and sound in my tree house and have locked the doors, the only thought that keeps popping up is that if some axe murderer decides to come knocking on my door tonight, nobody will hear me.

The next morning, after a couple of hours of sleep, the excitement that I had when I first saw this place is coming back. The sun is shining, (I’m still alive), my view over the river is spectacular, and I actually enjoy being alone with only the sound of birds chirping.

Where to stay in Correze. When you stay at one of the tree houses of Hêtre sous le Charme you'll get this beautiful view over the Dordogne river.

Plus when I look down I see that my breakfast has arrived. I’m having high expectations since the owners of these tree houses also prepared our gourmet picnic lunch the day before.

I pull the rope (as you can see in the video) and there it is, a colorful basket filled with everything you need for that summer holiday feeling. If I didn’t have to sleep by myself I would have loved to stay another day. I just need to find a strong and fearless man (with a less vivid imagination) to stay with me next time.

Website: Hêtre sous le Charme

Address: Le Bourg, 19400 Saint Martial Entraygues

But we only have our tree house for one night and after being ridiculed for being scared while ‘obviously’ nothing ever happens here, we continue our trip to beautiful Uzerche for our final night in France.

As much as I loved the idea of sleeping in a tree house, this is more my style. We’re being welcomed at Hôtel Joyet de Maubec by the owners Thierry and Daniel who renovated this 17th century building completely and opened their hotel in 2013.

Where to stay in Corrèze (France)? I loved staying at the beautiful boutique hotel Hotel Joyet de Maubec in Uzerche.
Where to stay in Corrèze (France)? I loved staying at the beautiful boutique hotel Hotel Joyet de Maubec in Uzerche.

The hotel has eight rooms, all different, and offers a beautiful view over the valley.

I love my room. The interior is modern and stylish, and my gorgeous bathroom has clearly been brought to this century.

Where to stay in Corrèze (France)? I loved staying at the beautiful boutique hotel Hotel Joyet de Maubec in Uzerche. You can have a delicious dinner at their restaurant La Treille Muscate.

I’ve already been eating so much on this trip, but for our last evening I’m not holding back. The hotel’s restaurant – La Treille Muscate – serves the best the region has to offer with a constantly changing menu.

I’m sure everything’s going to be delicious here, so I’m relieved that they’re not making it too difficult for me to choose by only offering two options per course.

As controversial as it may be, this region is known for its foie gras and I absolutely love it. And since this is not something I’ll eat at home, I start with the duck foie gras. Super smooth and while I don’t want to think about the number of calories, so incredibly tasty.

Next is my main course, chicken breast fillets with heavenly (and buttery) mashed potatoes. And then the pièce de résistance, the chocolate eclair with caramelized nuts. Oh my…

Where to stay in Corrèze (France)? I loved staying at the beautiful boutique hotel Hotel Joyet de Maubec in Uzerche. Their breakfast is amazing.

The next morning I wake up completely refreshed. No nightmares about axe murderers, but a long good night’s sleep in a super comfy bed. And after last night’s dinner, I’m looking forward to our breakfast.

Breakfast is served in the same restaurant and as soon as we sit down the most delicious things start appearing on our table. Fresh baguettes, croissants, fruit, granola, fresh orange juice…. And eggs in any way you like them. I wish I could have this breakfast service at home!

I’m sad to leave and wish I could have stayed longer in Uzerche and this beautiful hotel. Next time I’m in the region, I’ll make sure to check in at Hôtel Joyet de Maubec again.

Website: Hôtel Joyet de Maubec

Address: Place des Vignerons, 19140 Uzerche

Where would you like to stay: a tree house or boutique hotel?



Place des Vignerons
19140 Uzerche

View on Google Maps