16 November 2015

10 food & shopping hotspots you need to know in Stockholm

10 Food & Shopping hotspots you need to know in Stockholm - Snickarbacken 7

There’s something to be said for exploring a city unprepared. You don’t know what to expect, what’s waiting for you around the next corner, and you’ll be more excited when you stumble upon that hidden gem. I’m afraid I’m not that kind of person. I often wish I was (would save me a lot of time), but when I’m in a new city for just a couple of days, I want to make sure I get the most out of it. And I would hate reading about a super cool place that I missed just because I’d never heard of it and didn’t do some research before I left.

So for most trips I spend quite some time reading blogs, stalking people on Instagram and pinning places on Pinterest to find those must do’s, eats, etc. I may even make a little map…

In my video of Stockholm you’ve already seen some of my favorite places, but to help you save time preparing for your Stockholm city trip, here’s a list of the ones I think you definitely need to see.

Snickarbacken 7 (Closed)

A couple of days before my trip to Stockholm someone posted a photo of Snickarbacken 7 on Instagram and I instantly added it to my to do list. I honestly still don’t understand how she took that photo since the place looked completely different (much darker than her super bright photo), but it was a great shop nonetheless.

The space looks a bit industrial with a nice café when you walk in, and a boutique in the back.

Website: Snickarbacken 7

Address: Snickarbacken 7, 111 39 Stockholm 


Kaffeverket was one of the places I couldn’t wait to try. It’s not the most exciting neighbourhood of Stockholm, but only a fifteen minute walk from the public library which is another absolute must.

We had lunch here and not only does it look as good as I’d hoped, the salads were super fresh and delicious as well.

Website: Kaffeverket

Address: Sankt Eriksgatan 88, 113 62 Stockholm 

Nosh and Chow

10 Food & Shopping hotspots you need to know in Stockholm - Nosh and Chow

I didn’t bring my DSLR to Nosh and Chow, so unfortunately the only photo I have is this iPhone photo.

We knew that in general Stockholm wasn’t going to be the cheapest city trip, but we decided that on Saturday we would go for a more fancy dinner. And Nosh and Chow was exactly what we were looking for. It’s a popular restaurant with a beautiful interior, good food and delicious wine. Plus it was around the corner from our hotel.

Website: Nosh and Chow

Address: Norrlandsgatan 24, 111 43 Stockholm 


I love Fabrique! I discovered their amazing cinnamon buns in their London bakery, but for the real deal you need be in Stockholm. After all, a visit to Stockholm is not complete without a ‘fika’ with a cinnamon bun. I tried them from other bakeries as well, but the one from Fabrique is definitely my favorite.

They have several bakeries all over the city, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find one.

Website: Fabrique

Address: Rosenlundsgatan 28, 118 53 Stockholm

Berns Bistro

10 Food & Shopping hotspots you need to know in Stockholm - Berns Bistro

On a sunny day, Berns Bistro is the perfect lunch spot. You can also sit inside, but their terrace is much better. Unfortunately not the cheapest place either, but sitting outside, with a nice glass of wine and a perfect salad definitely makes you feel that you’re on vacation.

Website: Berns Bistro & Bar

Address: Näckströmsgatan 8, 111 47 Stockholm

Tous les Jours

Ah yes, coffee. Stockholm has a great coffee scene, and there are enough trendy cafés to take a break from all the walking and get excellent coffee.

Tous les Jours was the first one we tried. It was right before closing time so it was quite empty and quiet. But the coffee was good and the place looked really cool.

Facebook: Tous les Jours

Address: Tegnérgatan 7, 111 40 Stockholm

10 Food & Shopping hotspots you need to know in Stockholm

Urban Deli

10 Food & Shopping hotspots you need to know in Stockholm - Urban Deli

With all the coffee and cinnamon bun breaks, we didn’t really stick to a regular eating schedule. So by the time we realised we had missed lunch, the kitchen of Urban Deli in Södermalm was already closed. But we could still order something from the cold dishes menu so we figured it was the perfect time for a glass of wine.

I loved the atmosphere here. It’s located on a lovely square with a park in the middle, so you can also get something from the deli in the front and have a little picnic in the park.

Website: Urban Deli

Address: Nytorget 4, 116 40 Stockholm


10 Food & Shopping hotspots you need to know in Stockholm - Concept Store Grandpa

Also in Södermalm, just around the corner from Urban Deli, was my favorite shop in Stockholm: concept store Grandpa. This is one of those places you walk in and know instantly that if you could, you’d buy everything.

They have an amazing collection of Scandinavian fashion and interior design.

Website: Grandpa

Address: Södermannagatan 21, 116 40 Stockholm

Drop Coffee Roasters

For the best coffee in Stockholm you need to be at Drop Coffee Roasters in Södermalm. They’ve won several coffee roasting awards and I loved their coffee. On a warm and sunny day you can sit outside and watch the hipster crowd walk by, but there’s also enough seating inside. You can buy their freshly roasted coffee in cool looking boxes to make your own Drop Coffee at home.

Website: Drop Coffee Roasters

Address: Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 10, 118 50 Stockholm

Östermalms Saluhall

10 Food & Shopping hotspots you need to know in Stockholm - Ostermalms Saluhall Food Hall

Right before it was time for us to leave for the airport, we quickly walked into Östermals Saluhall which was conveniently located just around the corner from our hotel in Östermalm. This food hall with 17 traders has been around since 1888 and was listed as the number 7 of best food halls in the world.

There are restaurants and cafés where you can sit down for some fresh and delicious food or get something to go from the delis and beautiful shops.

Website: Östermals Saluhall

Address: Östermalmstorg,114 42 Stockholm


I’m a bit ashamed to say that when we were at the Museum of Modern Art (Moderna Museet), we didn’t get much further than the museum shop. Unfortunately we were running out of time and I had my eyes set on a Andy Warhol poster that they only sell at this museum.

The museum is located on another island, Skeppsholmen, and absolutely worth a visit. And when you do, make sure to have lunch or dinner at restaurant Hjerta. The interior of this renovated shipyard looks simple, but beautiful and stylish, and the same goes for their food. Outside is a large terrace overlooking the water which I’m sure will be packed on a beautiful day (it was raining when we visited).

Website: Restaurang Hjerta

Address: Slupskjulsvägen 28, 111 49 Stockholm