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Why you should visit Helsinki in 2017

Why you should visit Helsinki in 2017

Helsinki sure knows how to welcome their visitors. "Nobody in their right mind would come to Helsinki in November. Except you, you badass. Welcome." I actually missed the famous airport sign that went viral when I arrived in November, but it's something that I...

Why you should visit Helsinki in 2017

Helsinki sure knows how to welcome their visitors. "Nobody in their right mind would come to Helsinki in November. Except you, you badass. Welcome." I actually missed the famous airport sign that went viral when I arrived in November, but it's something that I would hear often - maybe in slightly different words - in the three days I spent in the city. "But", they said, "if you like it in November, you'll love Helsinki any other month of the year." I often assume, just because I live in Europe, that I have a basic understanding of the culture and history of other European countries. But when I arrived in Helsinki, I realised that for some reason my...

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